My interests lie in the molecular characterization of extra-solar planets and making science a more inclusive world.
I did my PhD with the ExoMol project (UCL, UK) where I simulated spectra for phosphine - here is my thesis. I was then a postdoctoral associate at MIT (EAPS and MKI) for three years where I worked on the spectroscopy of biosignatures gases, particularly phosphine (it’s the best!). I then became a 51 Pegasi b Fellow at the Harvard & Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, and now I am a professor at Bard College.
While in London, I was the Educational Co-ordinator for the Twinkle Space Mission, which includes ORBYTS (Original Research By Young Twinkle Students), and I am currently the director for the Harvard-MIT Science Research Mentoring Program and the JURA program, where I help kids perform astrophysics research.