
See the impressive articles I have written or at least worked a lot on below. To find my citations, h-indeces, and such, click here.


Phosphine as a Biosignature Gas in Exoplanet Atmospheres (free version here).

C Sousa-Silva, S Seager, S Ranjan, JJ Petkowski, Z Zhan, R Hu, and W Bains - Astrobiology, (2020).

Trivalent Phosphorus and Phosphines as Components of Biochemistry in Anoxic Environments

W Bains, JJ Petkowski, C Sousa-Silva, S Seager - Astrobiology, (2019).

New environmental model for thermodynamic ecology of biological phosphine production

W Bains, JJ Petkowski, C Sousa-Silva, S Seager - Science of The Total Environment, (2019).

MARVEL Analysis of the Measured High-resolution Rovibrational Spectra of C2H2

K L Chubb, M Joseph, J Franklin, N Choudhury, T Furtenbacher, A G Császár, G Gaspard, P Oguoko, A Kelly, S N Yurchenko, J Tennyson, and C Sousa-Silva - Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 204, 42-55 (2018).


Original Research By Young Twinkle Students (ORBYTS): when can students start performing original research?

C Sousa-Silva, LK McKemmish, KL Chubb, J Baker, EJ Barton, MN Gorman, T Rivlin, J Tennyson - Physics Education 53, 1 (2017).


MARVEL Analysis of the Measured High-resolution Rovibronic Spectra of 48Ti16O

LK McKemmish, T Masseron, S Sheppard, E Sandeman, Z Schofield, T Furtenbacher, A G Császár, J Tennyson, and C Sousa-Silva - The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 228, 15 (2017).


Tunnelling Splitting in the Phosphine Molecule

C Sousa-Silva, J Tennyson and S N Yurchenko - The Journal of Chemical Physics, 145 (2016).


The ExoMol Database: Molecular Line Lists for Exoplanet and Other Hot Atmospheres

J Tennyson, S N Yurchenko, A F Al-Refaie, E J Barton, K Chubb, P J Coles, S Diaman- topoulou, M Gorman, C Hill, L Lodi, L K McKemmish, Y Na, O L Polyansky, C Sousa-Silva, D S Underwood, A Yachmenev and E Zak - Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 327 (2016).


ExoMol line lists – VII: The Rotation-vibration Spectrum of Phosphine up to 1500K

C Sousa-Silva, A F Al-Refaie, J Tennyson, S N Yurchenko - Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 446 (2015).


High Temperature Partition Functions and Thermodynamic Data for Phosphine and Ammonia

C Sousa-Silva, N Hesketh, S N Yurchenko and J Tennyson - Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 142 (2014).


A Computed Room Temperature Line List for Phosphine

C Sousa-Silva, S N Yurchenko and J Tennyson - Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 288 (2013).


Crystal Structure and Vibrational Spectra of Hydrazinium (+1) Fluorocadmate

C Sousa-Silva, G Veryasov, E Goreshnik, M Ponikvar and A Jesih - Monatshefte fur Chemie-Chemical Monthly, 144 (2013).